JaeHo Bahng

Data Scientist

My Story

Work Experience

For the past 4+ years, I worked at a fashion retail/manufacturing company called LG Fashion in Korea. I started my career as an online fashion merchandiser, but realizing how much I loved working with data led me to transition to a data analyst, making a meaningful change in my career path. Now, I am pursuing a master’s degree in Data Science and Analytics at Georgetown University, eager to explore diverse fields to leverage my passion for working with data.


Brief Introduction on how I grew up!
I grew up as a third-culture kid, moving around different countries every 2 to 3 years until my senior year of high school when I moved back to Korea. I lived in Hong Kong, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China, and Bangladesh attending international schools which not only allowed me to be bilingual in English and Korean but also gave me the invaluable experience of how to embrace and respect diversity. After 14 years of living abroad, I moved back to Korea and did my undergraduate studies in Sogang University majoring in economics.

Click here to read more about me!


This is an archive of some of the small and large projects I carried out from when I was

  1. Self-studying data science in Korea, preparing for my master’s degree in data science

  2. Assignments completed for my graduate studies

  3. Personal projects.


Premier League Match Prediction

with FIFA player statistics[Python]

How to mimic the OSCAR dataset?

Collecting Large Language Data[Python]

Object-oriented programming

using NLP concepts[Python]

Space Titanic Survival Prediction

Using XGBoost[R]

Building NeuralNets From Scratch!

Back Propagation Explained

Space Titanic Survival Prediction

Using Random Forest[R]

Soccer Match Prediction using

Poisson Distribution[Python]

Capital Bikeshare

Membership Analysis [Python]

Premier League Match Prediction

with FIFA player statistics[Python]